
One thing a terminal illness helps you understand is the importance of getting out there and live life.

My medical team is constantly pushing me to have a good quality of life. They want me to get out and do things even when I don’t want to do anything.

However, it’s so easy to make excuses. Will I wear out? Will it cut into my medical budget? Will I need to rush to the bathroom? Will I make the experience miserable for my friends and family?

There are many more Will I’s to consider, but these are the ones that keep me from getting out.

However, it’s not just my medical team who wants me to get out (heck, they will move my treatments around just so I can experience a quality of life), my family also wants to get out.

However, it’s so difficult because I feel like such a burden right now.

Then I catch-up with a friend who was debating on spending his day off running errands or going to the lake to relax. I told him to go to the lake because life is too short.

He looked at me, nodded, and announced that he would enjoy the lake.

I sat back and watched him leave with a little bit of envy, but then I realized that it wasn’t too late to enjoy my own adventure.


I don’t know what I’m going to do on my adventure, but I know I’ll do my best to have fun. I’ve been feeling stronger lately. Maybe I’ll take a long walk, meet someone new, or bask in the newness of a place not visited before.

After all, there’s plenty of time to work on the daily tasks list another day.

Today is a day to be young and healthy. And who knows how a change of scenery will help me be the best chance of beating the average.

So what are you waiting for? Get out there and live the best quality of life you can.

9 thoughts on “Live

  1. Maggie you write so well. I understand your sentiment. We are in a new place now as you know in Watertown MA. But we have had a tough time trying to get out and experience our surroundings!….Brooke offerred to be our guide sometime …may have to take her up on that! You have a lovely daughter!


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